
歡迎加入 GENEREX 銷售夥伴行列

於此介紹我們的產品業務基礎架構,區分兩個類型的角色並說明其之間的區別:OEM 合作夥伴與官方授權經銷商

GENEREX 採以且嚴格遵守的 B2B (Business-to-Business) 商業模式經營,這個意味著我們的產品不是直接銷售予用戶而是透過且積極的支持經銷夥伴在這個市場上經營與努力。雖然我們非常在意且重視用戶對於我們產品的功能及效益上等等資訊回饋,但是對於任何用戶的產品購置計劃及詢價等等業務我們均會轉予經銷夥伴,並支持協助經銷夥伴提供滿意的產品咨詢和完整的技術支援。


官方認證的經銷商是我們的經銷伙伴且獨立,我們並提供關於 GENEREX 產品功能及銷售等相關業務的現場培訓課程,最後並登錄和匯集在我們官方的經銷商名錄中。

成為我們的經銷夥伴,將可獲得我們所提供一流的產品支持和技術支援,隨時了解所有產品動向,並獲得 GENEREX 在特定行業和產品整合技術訊息,這些知識均來自 30 多年的成功業務營運,歡迎有興趣直接透過郵件 sales@generex.tw / sales@generex.de 與我們連繫以了解更多的訊息。

What is an OEM ?

The OEM Partner is the next level of prestige and service within our B2B model; they are our priority and supporting their business activity is our prerogative. The OEM Partner is granted exclusive access to personalized “OEM Versions” of GENEREX products and services, prioritized provision of technical support services, automatic software maintenance and upgrade provision, as well as deeper pricing discounts.

The OEM Partner is granted access to our lucrative Royalty option, under which they are provided access to licensing rights as pertains to GENEREX’s product IP’s, allowing them free reign to produce and market their own versions outside of GENEREX’s direct input or oversight. This allows for increased freedom of direction for product development and integration; the OEM Partner is free to set themselves apart from competition based upon their own independent sense of market identity and ambition!
